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You Ask We Answer: 5 Questions About Weight Loss That We Answer

Writer's picture: Joe MontemoranoJoe Montemorano

Updated: Sep 3, 2022

You Ask We Answer: 5 Questions About Weight Loss That We Answer

Written by Joe and Elizabeth Montemorano

1) How often should I eat during the day to lose weight?

A common misconception people have been taught for years is to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner (3 square meals a day). I'm not advocating skipping meals, however, many experts agree that eating smaller portioned meals (and snacks) 5-6 times a day may have some advantages in weight loss.

Here are some reasons why:

  • Keeps you full throughout the day.

  • Keeps your blood sugar stable,

  • Keeps your energy levels stable

  • More willpower to stay on track with your goals due to fewer cravings. When the hunger level gets high we tend to consume more calories when we finally eat

2) How Much Water Should I Drink To Help My Weight Loss?

The suggested intake to maximize weight loss is 8-10 glasses (8 ounces/glass) of water per day. 64-80 ounces sounds like a lot if you drink 2-3 glasses purposefully per day. It may take some time to ramp up to it but it’s so worth it for these and more reasons. Yes, more urination will be a “side effect” but the benefits far outweigh more frequent bathroom visits. Here are a few reasons more water is a great idea when trying to lose weight

  • People often confuse hunger with thirst. Many times when you think you have hunger pangs try drinking an 8-ounce glass of water. Water acts as a natural hunger-blocker. Try it and see the difference.

  • Drinking water may reduce the amount of sugar content you get from beverages like calorie-laden coffee, juices, etc. Water is the best 0-calorie beverage of all time!

  • Water is 60 percent of your body composition. There is a lot to be said for proper metabolic function tied to water being a proper volume. Dehydration can prevent your metabolism from running at peak capacity. You need to avoid this to help you on your weight loss journey.

3) Can I still drink alcohol when on a weight loss program?

The bigger question we need to ask ourselves: How many calories am I consuming in all my beverages other than water?

Here’s what you need to avoid when dieting

  • Alcohol

  • Regular Soda

  • Sweet tea

  • Sugary juice

  • Fancy coffees

This is a fact most folks dieting need to be reminded of often:

  • The liquid calories you drink do not satisfy your appetite. Let’s say you drink an extra 200-300 calories from wine, beer, or soda during your meal. Here is the shocker. You don’t even feel it when it comes to feeling full or satisfying your appetite

  • You don’t feel more full or satisfied if you drink a beverage with 200 calories than if you drink an 8-ounce glass of water with zero calories.

  • Some say “I am not a fan of plain water” If that’s the case try to use calorie-free water infusers or add slices of citrus or other fruits

4) How important is sleep for weight loss?

We need seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Women may need more sleep than men!

Sleep loss has been linked to:

  • Obesity.

  • High blood pressure.

  • Type 2 diabetes.

  • Depression.

  • Heart attacks.

  • Strokes.

5) What's more important for a weight loss diet or exercise?

We answered this in a previous video see below. It's a good one so I am not going to cover it again in this blog. Here is the short answer with 2 phrases I think sum it up.

  1. “You can’t outrun your fork”

  2. “Diet is key to losing weight, exercise is key to keep the weight off” So while both are needed while on your journey here are some bullets to remember:

What you need to make a difference with exercise

  • Mild to moderate exercise such as walking (75-150 minutes/week) will be a good start as you lose weight and then ratchet up to…

  • Moderate to vigorous exercise (150-300 minutes/week) will be of major value in keeping the weight off long term provided you don’t go back to sloppy eating habits

So, I hope we answered these 5 commonly asked questions. These questions are among the top 10 and we may have already answered other questions in our previous videos. If you have any other questions or comments, reach out to us in the chat box and we will respond in 6-10 hours.

Also, don’t forget to check out our Vlog at for more videos to help you with your weight loss journey. Also, complete the health assessment on the website to find out if you're a good fit for a comprehensive, science-based program.


Brought to you by RxHealthyHabits



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