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Healthy New Year’s Resolutions for a New Year

Now that Christmas is over, the New Year is right around the corner. Whether you like it or not, 2023 will be here before you know it!

Every year, many people choose to make resolutions to help them live healthier lives in the new year. But while these resolutions can be easy to make, they frequently fail within a few weeks.

The good news is we know all the tips and tricks to keep up with your resolutions in the near year. Read on to learn all about some healthy New Year’s resolutions and how you can stick with them even as your life is hectic and busy.

Prefer to watch instead of read? Joe made a video this week about some great New Year’s Resolutions for better health in 2023.

What Are New Year’s Resolutions?

A New Year’s Resolution is a goal that an individual chooses to make for the new year. The goal can be anything from omitting something from your diet for the whole of the year, or it can be something you plan to do every day.

Many people choose to make their New Year’s resolutions something that relates to their health, such as working out more or losing a certain amount of weight before the end of the year. But truly, a New Year’s resolution can be anything you want it to be!

How Many People Make New Year's Resolutions Each Year?

In the United States, approximately 39% of adults make a New Year’s resolution every year. Of those that make a resolution, most of them are from the younger generation, between the ages of 18-34.

The majority of the resolutions have to do with eating healthier, losing weight, and being more active. After healthy New Year’s resolutions, financial goals and resolving to spend more time with family are also popular goals.

Unfortunately, many Americans make unreachable goals for themselves. As a result, as many as 23% of them quit within a week of the New Year. By the end of the year, 92% of Americans abandon their resolutions.

You can avoid quitting your New Year’s resolution by picking one which is attainable and checking in with yourself regularly( we will discuss this more later) But for now, read on to see some of the resolutions we recommend looking at the New Year’s resolutions we suggest below.

5 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Should Consider for 2023

Ready to make some New Year’s resolutions for yourself in 2023? Here are some we recommend making that are attainable and will give you results!

1. Lose Weight (And Keep it Off)

Many people make specific weight loss goals (such as losing 60 lbs), and then they are upset when they only lose 50 lbs during the year. Making a more general weight loss goal can help you to feel accomplished even if you only lose a few pounds.

The more important part of this goal is the keeping it off part. Anyone can lose 5 lbs, but if you go right back to your former diet, the weight will come back as well. Resolve to lose weight (any amount) and to keep it from returning.

2. Eat a Healthy Diet

Just like with the weight loss goal, people will make resolutions like “I’m not going to eat junk food.” While it is possible to rid yourself of a junk food craving, not allowing yourself any candy (or chips) for a whole year is quite drastic. Instead, resolve to eat healthier, still allowing yourself a small treat every now and then.

3. Resolve to Sit Less

Gym resolutions are also quite common, but they are also the most likely ones to be abandoned. Especially if you’ve never worked out at a gym before, trying to do so just because of a resolution isn’t a very attainable goal. Rather, you should resolve to move more and sit less.

Start by taking an after-dinner walk around your neighborhood or hiking instead of watching TV on the weekends. We also like this goal because it doesn't involve purchasing a pricey gym membership that you end up not using.

4. Get More Sleep

Many people resolve to be healthier, but they forget that health really begins with healthy sleep. Check out our guide to healthy sleep if you want to sleep better in the New Year, and take some steps to make it happen!

5. Create a Plan to Stop Smoking

Saying you want to quit smoking is a great New Year’s resolution, but it will take a lot of work to make this a reality. So instead of just saying it, make yourself a plan with step-by-step actions to help kick your cigarette habit. Quitting cold turkey likely won’t work, so check out this guide from the CDC with some tips to stop smoking.

How to Stick to New Year’s Resolutions

Sticking with New Year’s Resolutions is difficult, especially if you just mention your New Year’s resolution at a party and then don’t think much more of it. If you truly want to achieve your New Year’s resolution, then not only do you need to pick one that is attainable, but you also need to treat your resolution as a plan, not as some catchphrase muttered at a party.

Once you’ve decided on your New Year’s resolution, follow these steps to make it more likely you will achieve yours.

1. Write it Down (You are more likely to achieve written goals)

2. Divide the Goal into Steps (for example, go to the gym 1x per week at first for 1 month, then in month 2, go to the gym 2x per week, and so on)

3. Create Milestones (If you want to lose 60 lbs, divide your weight loss into losing 5 lbs per month)

4. Tell a Friend (they can help support you and check in with you on your goals!)

5. Arrange Resources (if you are losing weight, consider talking with a diet coach or a personal trainer if you plan to head to the gym. They can give you pointers and tools to make your goal a reality!)

If you do all of this, then it is likely that you can achieve whatever New Year’s Resolution you have picked out for yourself. If you’ve picked to lose weight or eat a healthier diet, send us a message here at RxHealthyHabits, as we are happy to give you the tools and tips you need!

New Year's Resolutions FAQ:

What are Some Unique New Year's Resolutions?

  • Learn a new dance

  • Break a world record

  • Do something you’ve always been too scared to attempt

  • Make a new friend each month

  • Start meditating

  • Move to a new place

  • Learn to play an instrument

  • Try new foods regularly

What is the Number 1 New Year's Resolution?

The most common New Year’s resolution in the United States is to get in shape.

What are the 3 Most Common Reasons Why New Year's Resolutions Fail?

  • Goal is unclear or unattainable (not broken into steps)

  • The individual making the resolution doesn’t have a plan to achieve it

  • You don’t make yourself accountable for your resolution


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