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5 Reasons Why Most Do Not Start On A Diet Or Weight-Loss Program

Writer's picture: Joe MontemoranoJoe Montemorano

1) Lack of time to follow a diet program

So, our first response to this objection is something we heard years ago from a very successful businessman about the objection of not having enough time. Here is the statement.

We always have the time for the things in life that are important to us.

Is it important to you to shed the pounds? That’s a big question only you can answer. If folks assume they don’t have time for a weight loss program they do not understand or are unaware of the options available from the various programs out there. For example, the comprehensive program my wife and I followed to lose weight was a huge time saver and that’s exactly one of the key reasons we chose it to be our program of choice and one we pay it forward today as health coaches. In our opinion, you always have the time to change your life.

2) A weight loss program means I need to make a lot of changes. It can be too much to handle.

The answer is yes, you will need to “make some changes in your life (diet and exercise) to make some changes in your life” It comes down to the fact that if you are not happy with where you're at with your weight and your health then only you can change it by doing something different and make some serious changes in your lifestyle. Is this a hard one for many folks? Absolutely! However, at some point, you need to decide if “you are sick and tired of being sick and tired” of being limited in your activities because you realize you are overweight or obese. We denied it for years and justified being a bit overweight but considered us both to be “healthy people” Really! Both of us taking 5-6 medications each at age 55 with 3 to 4 underlying medical conditions and believing “at our age” that’s normal??! Did we have our heads in the sand or what?

3) I don’t think I can stick to a diet with no “cheat days” on occasions.

Sticking to a diet is perceived as such a big stressor and a “real issue” for many. The fear of losing the option of ever eating pizza or having an ice cream sundae again is daunting. So, it’s just not true. You will have meals you can enjoy again when you get to normal weight like having a slice of pizza (versus eating ½ or ¾ of a pizza) or enjoying an ice cream cone with your grandchild (probably a baby cone for you too). However, you will find that when you eat these foods, you will not feel as well as when you eat“clean”. Also, you will notice the impact on the scale the next day even though most of it is water weight due to increased glycogen stores. Long-term giving in to weekly cheat days will take a toll and slow weight loss and lead to failure of your weight loss program. Remember, it is okay if you fall off the wagon for a day. Just get back on track and press on. Many of us have yo-yo'd for a while during weight loss only to learn quickly the futility of it. What is your health worth? Is it worth giving it a 100%?

4) I am so confused about which diet plan I should go with since there are so many options. I don’t know which is the best fit.

There are many choices out there in the marketplace, many of which are commercially available comprehensive programs. You probably know a lot of the popular names from TV ads or social media. We did a blog and a video on “How much does a weight loss program cost?” which is on our website It includes a brief overview of each of the top 6 programs on the market and their cost. It may help you get a direction of which one is a good fit for you. Not one size fits all. If you need help, reach out to us.

5) I know I will be deprived of many foods I like to eat.

Losing out on favorite foods is one factor we believe keeps more people from taking the arduous yet amazing journey to getting on a healthy habit track that will change their life. Feeling deprived during everyday events, weekends, and holidays is a daunting concern when someone has not clarified the “why” they need to get to normal weight. Until one finally says “enough is enough” and decides to be on a diet or weight loss program that may take months to reach a goal, they will have a challenge making the change in their life to control caloric intake. Many diets will not have you feeling totally deprived but all will limit the quantity you will eat of protein, carbs, and fat. High glycemic index carbs, refined sugars, and highly processed starchy foods will also be limited. After you get to a normal weight and you want to add some back in you will be able to do so occasionally. However, what you will probably find out is that you will be more attracted to the higher protein foods, whole foods (fruits and vegetables), and other lower carb and lower glycemic choices you ate while getting to normal weight. You may get to a point when you will look at an ice cream sundae and say to yourself “I am not going to feel good about an hour after I eat that!”. We now notice there are certain foods and food groups we avoid so we don’t get a “carb coma” or fat and dairy overload because we ate foods that no longer agree with us. Find out for yourself, but does that mean I never have a gelato once in a while? Absolutely not. But the portion is really small.

So we hope we answered these 5 common reasons many have about why they're not ready to begin weight loss. The good news is when folks are ready to tackle being overweight or obese we are here to help. Take the health assessment below if you want to do some more exploring, then we can set up a call after to see if you’re a good fit for our program. It may or may not be a good fit, but we will help you find one that suits your lifestyle needs. Until then, stay healthy.

Brought to you by RxHealthyHabits



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